Tel. 123-456-7890
Fax. 123-456-7890
500 Terry Francois Street,
San Francisco, CA 94158

Choralis Auditions
Auditions may be scheduled by emailing auditions@choralis.org.
The audition will last ten minutes.
Auditioners are asked to:
Fill out the Choralis form we use for new singers. If they are a returning singer who has been out of Choralis for fewer than 3 years, they do not need to fill out the form.
Come prepared with a song, hymn, or aria to present. If you would like piano accompaniment when you present your song, please bring a legible hard-copy for the keyboard artist. The audition will also include a demonstration of vocal range, tone matching, and sight-singing.
Questions should be directed to auditions@choralis.org.
Additional Information for Auditioners
Choralis rehearses on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m.
Rehearsals and auditions are held at The Falls Church Episcopal Church: 115 E. Fairfax Street, Falls Church, VA.
Dues are $350 for the season and are not pro-rated for partial-year membership, however, Choralis will not turn away interested choristers if they find themselves in financial hardship.
Singers also must pay for music, which generally costs between $50 and $80 per season. There also is required concert attire that must be purchased.
Singers are expected to volunteer for one of the many tasks required for a Choralis season, such as labeling promotional mailings, grant writing, helping with stage set-up, and more.